41 diflexx duo label
Group 27 4 Herbicide Diflexx Duo READ THE LABEL AND THE BROCHURE BEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN NET CONTENTS: 1 L to BULK Product Information: 1‐888‐283‐6847 Bayer CropScience Inc. Suite 200, 160 Quarry Park Blvd S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2C 3G3 PDF TABLE 11 -Rain-free Period for Postemergence Herbicide Applications DiFlexx Duo 4 Elevore 4 Engenia4 Enlist Duo NL Enlist One NL Express Several Extreme NL FeXapan4 Fierce 1 Fierce XLT 1 FirstRate2 Flexstar1 Flexstar GT 1 Fusilade DX 1 Fusion1 glyphosate (many) 1-6** Gramoxone SL 2.0 0.5 GrazonNext HL 2 Halex GT NL Harmony Extra Several Harmony1 Hornet WDG/Stanza 2 Huskie1 Impact1 Instigate1 Laudis1
Show Product Info Click here to View Product Label (revision date: 4/22/2021 9:04:32 AM) Click here to View MSDS (revision date: 1/25/2019 12:21:48 PM) Click here to view the EPA Stamped Labels for the selected product (external link to EPA.gov website). If you find erroneous data, please e-mail the department at reg@nd.gov. We will respond to all inquiries as ...

Diflexx duo label
Tips for Corn Weed Management When You Have Delays DiFlexx® herbicide, DiFlexx® DUO herbicide, Roundup PowerMAX® herbicide, or XtendiMax® herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology (a restricted use herbicide) are products that can be used or included in a tank mix prior to planting. Consult each product label to determine use requirements and possible tank mix options. DiFlexx Duo | Bayer CropScience | Agworld DBX | Greenbook View the product label for DiFlexx Duo from Bayer CropScience. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook ... DiFlexx Duo Bayer CropScience. Labels. Label SDS SDS. Snapshot ID: 3109 Active ingredients Tembotrione Diglycolamine salt of 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid. Registration EPA: 264 ... DiFlexx Duo - BAYER herbicide PRODUCT INFORMATION DiFlexx DUO is a selective preemergence and postemergence herbicide for the control of annual broadleaf weeds; control and/or suppression of many biennial/ perennial broadleaf weeds and control of annual grasses found in corn (field corn, seed corn, popcorn and corn grown for silage) and for postharvest burndown weed control.
Diflexx duo label. Home - Label Database - CDMS specimen label, nva 2021-04-279-0089 24 (c) registration, co-070002 nva 2017-04-279-0198 for aerial use in field corn (excluding field corn grown for seed) 24 (c) registration, ks-07-0001 nva 2007-04-279-0002 for aerial application on field corn 24 (c) registration, ne-21-0003 nva 2021-04-279-0012 for aerial application in field corn sds, … Home - Label Database - CDMS Home - Label Database Verdict® powered by Kixor® herbicide BASF Ag Products DIMETHENAMID-P + SAFLUFENACIL 7969-279 State Availability Labels / SDS Specimen Label, NVA 2018-04-320-0038 24 (c) Registration, SD-150003 NVA 2019-04-320-0186 Environmental Precautions and Soil Type Restrictions SDS, 2022/04/04 SDS, 2022/04/04 (Español) PDF 2017 Herbicide Guide for Iowa Corn and Soybean Production DiFlexx Duowas registered for field, white, seed, and popcorn last spring. It is a combination of tembotrione (HG27), dicamba (HG4), and the safener cyprosulfamide. DiFlexx Duois registered for preemergence and postemergence (up to V10 corn stage) applications. Use rates range from 24 to 40 oz/A. Adjuvants that are needed for POST DiFlexx Duo Tips for Corn Weed Management When You Have Delays - Kruger Seed DiFlexx® herbicide, DiFlexx® DUO herbicide, Roundup PowerMAX® herbicide, or XtendiMax® herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology (a restricted use herbicide) are products that can be used or included in a tank mix prior to planting. Consult each product label to determine use requirements and possible tank mix options.
PDF Rainfast Time - Vdsc RAINFAST TIME January 31, 2022 The following table describes how long a spray treatment requires until it is "rainfast", the time required between application and rain for the product to perform effectively. Which Dicamba or 2,4-D Products can be Sprayed Burndown in Xtend or E3 ... Similar regulations hold true for the use of 2,4-D products in Enlist E3 soybean. Enlist E3 soybean varieties can be planted immediately after an application of Enlist One or Enlist Duo (choline salt) in a burndown program. Any other 2,4-D product (LV4 ester, amine, etc.) must adhere to the 7-15 day wait period before planting depending on use ... PDF Understanding Herbicide Adjuvants - Corn States DiFlexx® DUO herbicide External surfactant required to achieve optimum weed control when applied postemergence or when applied preplant or preemergence if weeds are present. MSO at 1% v/v or 1 gal/100 gallons COC at 1% v/v or 1 gal/100 gallons HSOC may be used with DiFlexx® DUO herbicide as an alternative to COC surfactants. Use recommended ... DiFlexx DUO: A New Corn Herbicide - CropWatch DiFlexx DUO is rain-fast within four hours after application to most weed species. Weed Control Information DiFlexx DUO applied post-emergence at recommended rates of 24 to 40 fl oz per acre will effectively control a broad array of important annual broadleaf weeds and grasses.
Reichman Sales & Service | Reichman Sales & Service DiFlexx ® Duo Herbicide Category Herbicides Manufacturer Bayer CropScience Documents MSDS Label Qty. Needed gals. Pack Size Add to Quote Disclaimer Purchaser is responsible to read the Product Label and Use requirements for this product. AUTHORITY® ASSIST HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US This product delivers effective control against the following: Foxtail. Morningglories. Nightshade. Palmer Amaranth. Velvetleaf. Waterhemp. Authority Assist herbicide is registered for use on peanuts only in the following states: AL, AR, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN and VA. Always refer to the product label for an official listing of crop usage ... DiFlexx DUO Herbicide Labels & MSDS | Crop Science US DiFlexx_Duo1b_Label.pdf - Label DiFlexx_Duo_Label1i.pdf - Label English - MSDS Spanish - MSDS Always read and follow label instructions. Not all products are registered for use in every state. Please check with Bayer or your local Lead State Agency for product registration status. PDF Xtendimax Label - ifca.com Xtendimax Label ACCEPTED Under Federal Fungicide and Act as amended. the registered under EPA Reg. No and Cotton DO NOT SPRAY Dicamba Tolerant Susceptible Crop Crop Including Non-Dicamba Dicamba Tolerant Downwind Buffer Crop BAYER
Pennsylvania: What's New for 2016 Weed Control It is a corn safener having both pre and post activity. This product will be available for the upcoming growing season. DiFlexx will compete with Status. DiFlexx Duo 1.53SC is an experimental premix of DiFlexx and Laudis. ... Valor will have a supplemental label that will allow it to be applied 7 days before wheat planting. Valor h will target ...
DiFlexx DUO Herbicide | Crop Science US DiFlexx DUO Key Benefits Power to take out tough-to-control weeds, including glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, ragweed and marestail Built-in resistance management for driver weeds thanks to two effective sites of action (SOAs) Excellent crop safety for all types of corn and on any soil type Effective Against Waterhemp Pigweed
PDF DiFlexx Herbicide Label - CropWatch Apply this product only as directed on the label. This chemical is known to leach through soil into ground water under certain conditions as a result of agricultural use. Use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in ground water contamination. Point source contamination
What's New in Herbicide Technology for 2017 - Successful Farming DiFlexx Duo is registered for preemergence and postemergence (up to V10 corn stage) use. Resicore Dow AgroSciences' Resicore was approved in 2016 for application in field corn, seed corn, silage corn, and yellow popcorn for preemergence application. It contains acetochlor (HG15), mesotrione (HG27), and clopyralid (HG4). DuPont's Realm Q and Afforia
Durango® DMA® Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience™ It is also uniquely compatible with phenoxy herbicides, such as 2,4-D. Durango DMA is labeled for use both preemergence and postemergence with flexible timing to be applied on up to 48-inch-tall corn and from cracking to flowering for soybeans. Find supplemental labels for this product Download Product Label Download Safety Data Sheet
Corn Herbicide Premixes & Equivalents DiFlexx DUO. 1.26 lb. ae dicamba 32. fl oz .315. lb ae dicamba. 10.1 fl oz. DiFlexx.27 lb tembotrione .068 lb tembotrione 2.47 fl oz Laudis Distinct.2 lb. ae diflufenzopyr 6. oz .075. ... This information does not take place of the product label; changes to product label information can occur
All Straight Dicamba Products Now Restricted Use in South Dakota These applications also require records to be filled out daily. Outside of Engenia, Fexapan, or Xtendimax all other straight dicamba products will not have the restricted use label on the package because they are only restricted use in South Dakota and a few other states. However, they are not considered restricted use across the entire US.
Nebraska Corn: Postemergence Dicamba-based Herbicide Applications From University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Application of dicamba-based herbicides such as Clarity, DiFlexx, DiFlexx DUO, and Status, has increased in corn in recent years primarily for control of glyphosate-resistant and hard-to-control broadleaf weeds such as common waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, and marestail.
PDF Wisconsin Herbicide Mode of Action Chart (See Other Side for ... DIFLEXX DUO dicamba DiFlexx 4 tembotrione Laudis 27 ENLIST DUO 2,4-D 2,4-D 4 glyphosate glyphosate 9 ENLITE chlorimuron-ethyl Classic 2 thifensulfuron-methyl Harmony 2 flumioxazin Valor 14 ENVIVE ... * Herbicide labels may have geographic, crop and buffer restrictions specific to Wisconsin. References to pesticide products in this publication ...
DiFlexx Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) [264-1173] - $524.95 : Keystone Pest ... Extremely fast and effective control of tough broadleaf weeds with residual Controls more than 100 annual and perennial weeds, including those resistant to glyphosate-, PPO-, ALS- and triazine-based herbicides Liquid formulation vs. dry Ideal for use pre to V2 with application flexibility to V10
PDF SMARTLINE US84114693E (191223E) LABMC DIFLEXX 2.5 GAL ETL colors: cmyk ... SMARTLINE US84114693E (191223E) LABMC DIFLEXX 2.5 GAL ETL colors: cmyk 1/10/20 US84114693E 191223E 01/20 A Herbicide for weed control in field corn grown for grain, seed and silage, popcorn, and for fallow croplands. ... pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE), notification to workers, and restricted ...
DiFlexx® Duo Herbicide - Reichman Sales & Service Reichman Sales & Service PO Box 698 - Toluca, IL 61369 Phone: 815-452-2665 Fax: 815-452-2837
DiFlexx Duo - BAYER herbicide PRODUCT INFORMATION DiFlexx DUO is a selective preemergence and postemergence herbicide for the control of annual broadleaf weeds; control and/or suppression of many biennial/ perennial broadleaf weeds and control of annual grasses found in corn (field corn, seed corn, popcorn and corn grown for silage) and for postharvest burndown weed control.
DiFlexx Duo | Bayer CropScience | Agworld DBX | Greenbook View the product label for DiFlexx Duo from Bayer CropScience. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook ... DiFlexx Duo Bayer CropScience. Labels. Label SDS SDS. Snapshot ID: 3109 Active ingredients Tembotrione Diglycolamine salt of 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid. Registration EPA: 264 ...
Tips for Corn Weed Management When You Have Delays DiFlexx® herbicide, DiFlexx® DUO herbicide, Roundup PowerMAX® herbicide, or XtendiMax® herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology (a restricted use herbicide) are products that can be used or included in a tank mix prior to planting. Consult each product label to determine use requirements and possible tank mix options.
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